The scope of human resource development and capacity building

The scope of human resource development and capacity building
There are numerous knowledge-based approaches to enhancing performance and it is critical that as a manager responsible for people’s performance you evaluate what will best meet your needs.  Frankly, there are many times when organisatons spend huge sums of money on education and training initiatives that do not, unfortunately obtain the anticipated returns.
The clearer you define your performance requirements, the higher your return on investment in your people gets, and the greater the efficiency with which you obtain your desired results.
What people performance improvement meets your needs?.

Training is the planned and systematic process of imparting knowledge, skills and attitudes, aimed at bridging the gap between current performance and the desired performance.
A training need therefore emerges in the event of a mismatch between what the job demands and what respective individuals posses in knowledge, skills, attitude and experience.  We come in to provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes that you need to bridge this gap.  Our definition of training needs, training objectives, and learning activities are centered on this.  Changes to be obtained through training are immediately observable in the short term and this has a direct bearing on the design and delivery style that the trainer is expected to adopt.
Similarity in the imparting of knowledge, skills and attitudes in both training and education is misleading.  Whereas training aims by imparting knowledge, skills and attitudes to bridge identified performance gaps, education aims at providing certified underlying intellectual aptitudes upon which might be built more specific performance capabilities.  Put more directly, while training is job and performance oriented, education is person oriented, is a broader process of change, and its objectives less attributable to precise performance requirements.
Where the performance requirements are complex and the relevant performance difficult to analyse or specify, education is the more preferable, since it provides a broad foundation of behaviour on which the individual is expected to generalise or transfer knowledge and experience to similar or new situations.
Also, in the case of education, the need to establish graduated differentiation between persons is an important area of interest – which it really isn’t in training
Where the objective of imparting knowledge, skills and attitude is to impart a set of capabilities that a person will need to perform a particular role in the predictable future, which role is not within his present ability, the person is said to be undergoing a process of development.
Development must be equally planned and systematic and will ideally entail industrial attachments aimed at improving the person’s technical skills, training in leadership, communication and finance, aimed at enhancing corporate leadership competencies, formal education, aimed at developing critical faculties, corporate socialization to enhance his self confidence, leadership, responsibility and team skills – all of which must be spread over a period of time that gives him ample time to develop the necessary accompanying physical and emotional maturity – so that he sees things from a holistic perspective and not as fragmented and dissociated parts.
To obtain optimum results, we are keen to discuss each client’s unique requirements and quite frequently work with the client to determine group and individual learning and development needs.
 ARTEMIS Transition Partners

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